Concrete made from coconut shell waste as coarse aggregate will be studied for compressive strength, tensile strength and flexural strength. the percentage replacement will be 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% with natural coarse aggregates and replacement of 10% various size of coconut shell in concrete. the
بیشترThe Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Coconut Shell as Coarse Aggregates CIVIL Project aims at analyzing flexural and compressive strength characteristics of concrete produced using crushed, granular coconut as substitutes for conventional coarse aggregate with partial replacement using M30 grade concrete. Beams are casted, tested and their physical and mechanical …
بیشترConcrete samples were produced with different mix ratios, to determine the best and economic proportions that will give acceptable compressive strengths. Concrete specimen were produced with coconut shell as coarse aggregate, ordinary river sand as fine aggregate and ordinary Portland cement as binders.
بیشترNormal aggregate, that is, crushed blue granite of maximum size 20 mm was used as coarse aggregate. Well graded river sand passing through 4.75 mm was used as fine aggregate. The specific gravities of coarse and fine aggregates were 2.65 and 2.63 respectively. Coconut shells which were already broken into two pieces were
بیشترaggregate, course aggregate, coconut shells are tested before producing concrete. As per Indian standard codes various test are conducted on ingredients materials of the concrete. Firstly the dry ingredients cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and coconut shells are fed in mixer and thoroughly mixed to
بیشترIt was advised that aggregate made from quartzite to be used for the concrete work. The study was made for the properties of concrete with coconut shells as the replacement of aggregate [2]. The concrete with normal aggregate as well as coconut shell (CS) concrete with 10-20% coarse aggregate replacement with coconut shell were made.
بیشتر4. According to R. Nagalakshmi, M25 grade of concrete with cement replaced by fly ash and coarse aggregate by coconut shell and find its compressive, tensile strength. 5. According to Sabarudin Bin Mohd, he replaced coconut shell and palm kernel shell in place of coarse aggregate in concrete in 0,25,50,75 and 100 % replacement.
بیشترThe use of waste materials is one of the options for sustainable construction. In this paper the coconut shell waste is considered as coarse aggregate (after the same has been crushed) for preparing light weight concrete. The natural material like bamboo which is having considerable tensile strength is considered for reinforcement along with coconut shell concrete.
بیشترEXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF PARTIAL RE PLACE MENT OF CEMENT AND COARSE AGGREGATE WITH FLY ASH AND COCONUT SHELL Mukkannan.A 1SwethaSaseendran.k 2 4 Vignesh kumar.V 3 ChandraMohan.R 1Assistant Profess or 2,3,4 B.E.Students 1,2,3,4 Department of Civil Engineering 1,2,3,4 Akshaya College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore,Tamilnadu. Abstract - …
بیشترThe properties of concrete using coconut shell as coarse aggregate were investigated in an experimental study. Compressive, flexural, splitting tensile strengths, impact resistance and bond ...
بیشترCoconut shell aggregate concrete satisfies the requirements of ASTM C 330. 4. Conclusıon To increase the speed of construction, enhance green construction environment we can use lightweight concrete. The possibility exists for the partial replacement of coarse aggregate with coconut shell to produce lightweight concrete. Coconut shell exhibits
بیشترCoconut shell aggregate exhibits low impact, crushing, and abrasion values of 1.3%, 1.16% and 2.23% respectively compared with normal aggregate with 19.23%, 25.60% and 27.67% respectively. Coconut shell, however, has high percentage of water absorption capacity, elongation index and flakiness index of 23.72%, 26.69% and 86.12% respectively ...
بیشترThe effect of coarse aggregate replacement with agricultural and industrial wastes like furnace slag, oil palm shell, coconut shell, waste ceramic tiles, glass, expanded polystyrene, lightweight ...
بیشترfocus was made on the coarse aggregates and an attempt was made to replace th e conventional coarse aggregates using coconut shells in concrete. A control mix was designed for M 25 grade of co ncrete and then the crushed granite aggregates were replaced with coconut shells by volume in different levels such as 20%, 40 %, 60%, 80% and .
بیشترFig. 1 Concrete beam casted using coconut shell as coarse aggregates III. TEST RESULTS A. Failure mode In the control concrete beam initial crack is 35 kN. The coconut shell 25% beam initial crack is 25 kN. The coconut shell 50% beam initial crack is 30 kN. The coconut shell …
بیشتر2.5 Coconut shell as replacement of coarse aggregate 17 2.6 Coconut shell as replacement of fine aggregate 18 2.7 Compressive strength machine 23 2.8 Splitting tensile strength Machine 24 2.9 Three point loading (ASTM C78) 25
بیشترThe coconut shell concrete was designed for characteristic strength of 30MPa with the incorporation of coconut shell as replacement for fine and coarse aggregate at …
بیشتر3.4 Coconut Shell Aggregate The coconut shells are obtained from a local coconut field. They are sun dried before being crushed manually. Coconuts show a wide diversity in size, weight, shape and color, depending on genetic variety and maturity of the nut at harvest. The particle sizes of the coconut shell range from 5 to 20 mm.
بیشترThis study aims in development the mix design of lightweight aggregate concrete using Coarse Shell as coarse aggregate together with cement and river sand. Coconut shell reinforced composites have been used as cheap and durable non structural elements.
بیشترThe use of coconut shell as coarse aggregate in concrete has never been a usual practice among the average citizens, particularly in areas where light weight concrete is required for non-load bearing walls, non-structural floors, and strip footings. Coconut is grown in more than 93 countries. ...
بیشترcoconut shell as partial replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete: review Coconut shell based activated carbon-iron oxide magnetic nanocomposite for fast and efficient removal of oil spills Coconut water as a potential resource for cellulose acetate membrane preparation
بیشترcoarse aggregate with coconut shell aggregate is determined from the study. Coarse aggregate made from coconut shells were used in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35% to replace coarse aggregate in conventional concrete. A constant water to cement ratio of 0.5 was used throughout the ...
بیشترprofitability of coconut shells as a coarse aggregate as a contrasting option to characteristic aggregate in cement. 1. This trail work was held to acquire the quality of halfway supplanting of concrete with fly ash and smashed stone with coconut shells. 2. In this test two sources of substitution materials
بیشترDiscarded fresh coconut shells were crushed mechanically and used as coarse aggregate with fly ash (FA) as partial replacement of Portland cement at 15% and 20% replacement levels by weight. Slump ...
بیشترcoarse aggregate and coconut shells. Production of concrete mixes Production of mix (normal concrete of grade M-20) in the laboratory is carried out by IS method of concrete mix design (IS 10262-1982). Coconut shell concrete is produced by adding coconut shells in different percentage (i.e. 25% and 50%) replacement in concrete. ...
بیشترThe waste coconut shell may be utilized to replace natural coarse aggregate. In present study, compressive strength of concrete of M - 20 grades has studied by replacing natural coarse aggregates at 0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 30%, by weight with coconut shell. Compressive strength of coconut shell concrete has been evaluated on 7, 14, 21 and 28 days.
بیشترAnswer: The main purposes of using coarse aggregate in concrete is for its durability and strength. Stronger the coarse aggregate greater will be the crushing strength of concrete. Generally used coarse aggregate in making concrete is "Crushed Stone". Crushing Strength: If you compare coconut sh...
بیشترCoconut shell (CS) is used as aggregate in concrete. Now-a-days there is large use of aggregate is increasing day by day so rather than using coarse aggregate in concrete, natural material coconut shell shall be used for some construction. Coconut shell is a waste material from coconut and it is quite strong like aggregate.
بیشترCoconut shells as a substitute for coarse aggregates in concrete is gaining importance especially in this region in terms of possible reduction of waste …
بیشترAn optimum percentage replacement of coarse aggregate with coconut shell aggregate is determined from the study. Coarse aggregate made from coconut shells were used in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35% to replace coarse aggregate in conventional concrete. A constant water to cement ratio of 0.5 was used throughout the study.