4. Results show that the river sand can be fully replaced by artificial sand. Proves to be economical in terms of availability. 5. Concrete with artificial sand and aggregates design results are satisfactory. 6. Cube strength of Narmada sand concrete is found to be less then artificial sand. 7.
بیشترThe paper Present the study of replacement of natural sand with artificial sand in concrete conventionally concrete is a mix of cement sand and aggregate there is …
بیشترThe use of artificial sand will conserve the natural resources for sustainable development of the concrete in construction industry [3]. Artificial sand is a process controlled crushed fine aggregate produced from quarried stone by crushing or grinding and classification to obtain a controlled gradation product that completely passes the 4.75mm ...
بیشترThis paper studies the early mechanical properties of artificial sand concrete, we found by comparison with natural sand concrete that the slump of artificial sand concrete were increased by 85%, and the strength 0f 16h and 1d and3d were increased by 23.4% and 20% and 11%. Therefore, artificial sand can significantly improve the workability of concrete mix, improve the early strength of concrete.
بیشترFor the purpose of experimentation concrete mixes were designed for M20, M30 and M40 grades with replacement of natural sand by artificial sand. The compressive, flexural and spilt tensile tests were conducted to study the strength of concrete using artificial sand and the results are compared with that of natural sand concrete.
بیشترConcrete. The slabs, using Artificial sand, are more leak proof than by river sand. Now a days, in construction of roads, buildings, dams, canals, etc., cement concrete plays an important role. Concrete is an artificial stone resulting from hardening of rationally chosen mixture of binding
بیشترflexural strength of artificial sand is more than natural sand. So, replacement of natural sand gives a proper solution over scarcity of natural sand and also helps in making eco-balance. Keywords: Artificial Sand, Natural Sand, Compressive Strength, Concrete, Properties, Environmental Protection 1. INTRODUCTION
بیشترHome Browse by Title Proceedings ICETET '08 Experimental Study of Artificial Sand Concrete. ARTICLE . Experimental Study of Artificial Sand Concrete. Share on. Authors: M. R. Chitlange. View Profile, P. S. Pajgade.
بیشترIn the concrete mixer, the natural sand concrete and artificial sand concrete were prepared with about 80% of the designed water quantity and then steel fibers were spread manually in the volume fraction of 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%. After two minutes mixing, the remaining quantity of water ...
بیشترthe physibility o f artificial sand in concrete for the. purpose of experimentation concrete mixes are design. for m20 and m25 grades by 0 to 100 % with increment. of …
بیشترFor the purpose of experimentation concrete mixes are designed for M20, M30 and M40 grades by replacement of natural sand to artificial sand. Compressive and flexural tests are conducted to study the strength of concrete using artificial sand and the results are compared with that of natural sand concrete.
بیشترArtificial sand confirming to all four zones was having specific gravity of 2.76 also used to full replacement of natural sand. The fineness modulus of coarse aggregate, natural sand and artificial sand was 7.81, 5.18 and 4.62 respectively. The water absorption was 0.50% and 0.52% for coarse aggregate and natural sand respectively.
بیشترartificial sand as fine aggregate gives consistently higher strength than the mixes with natural sand. The sharp edges of the particles in artificial sand provide better bond with cement than the rounded particles of natural sand resulting in higher strength. The excessive bleeding of concrete is reduced by using artificial sand.
بیشترthe physibility o f artificial sand in concrete for the. purpose of experimentation concrete mixes are design. for m20 and m25 grades by 0 to 100 % with increment. of 20 % repla cement of natural ...
بیشترKEYWORDS: Natural Sand, Artificial Sand, Concrete Mix, Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength INTRODUCTION We cannot imagine Civil Engineering structures without concrete. Concrete is backbone of infrastructural development of whole world. Concrete has capacity to enhance its properties with the help of other suitable ...
بیشترArtificial sand, also called crushed sand or mechanical sand (m sand), refers to rocks, mine tailings or industrial waste granules with a particle size of less than 4.75 mm. It is processed by mechanical crushing and sieving. In China, the artificial sand was mainly used in the construction of hydropower systems.