copper processing capital cost estimating

Capital Cost Estimating – Types and Methods

05/01/2016· In this stage, an order of magnitude cost estimate is developed. The methodology used in the development of the cost estimate varies from analogue, judgement or parametric, or a combination of these. The cost estimate developed during this stage will be the equivalent of a class 5 cost estimate, as defined by the AACE. 2. …


Copper Concentrator Capital Cost - VCharty Mining

At full capacity, bozshakol will process 30mtpa of relatively lowgrade ore 0.36 cu to produce 100ktpa of copper in concentrate. a capital cost of us2.15bn equates to a capital intensity of us9.75lb. copper cathode output from processing oxide ore at aktogay commenced in december 2015, with copper in concentrate production from 25mtpa of sulphide ore …


mineral processing cost estimation for copper -

Economic of Copper Processing - SlideShare. Jun 23, 2013· Effective costs of Copper Processing As each tonne of ore produces 0.0051 t of copper inconcentrates, with a free market value of £ 5.00, so totalproduction costs of copper in concentrates : However, if the ore contains appreciable by-products, theeffective production costs are reduced.


Concentrating Plant Design — Capital and Operating Costs

Methods for capital cost evaluation are surveyed according to generally accepted procedures; relationship with flowsheeting and mill design and their constant interrelations are specially pointed out. Distribution of operating costs is indicated on the basis of processes and elements, and a few examples are fully detailed.


Chapter 7 capital cost estimation - SlideShare

05/02/2012· Capital Cost Estimate Types • 1. Order of Magnitude Estimate (Feasibility) – + 40%, - 20% – BFD, Process Modification • 2. Study Estimate / Major Equipment – + 30%, - 20% – PFD, Cost Chart 4. Capital Cost Estimates Types (cont'd) • 3. Preliminary Design (Scope) Estimate – + 25%, - 15% – PFD, vessel sketches, equip. diagrams • 4.


[PDF] A method for estimating the capital cost of chemical process ...

Capital cost estimates are required in the early business planning and feasibility assessment stages of a project, in order to evaluate viability and to compare the economics of the alternative processes and operating conditions that …


Capital costs rise for Caravel copper project - Australian Mining

06/05/2022· The capital cost estimate for Caravel Minerals' development of its Stage 1 copper project in Western Australia's central Wheatbelt has blown out by about $200 million, or about 40 per cent from the original estimate of about $500 million.


Project Estimation Techniques | Cost Engineering

The direct man-hours of Page & Nations were determined by gathering hundreds of time and method studies coupled with actual cost of various operations, both in the shop and field on many piping jobs located on projects in the US. Ranging in cost from $ …



characteristics. This resulted in a very complex process plant design. The final design had a capital cost of approximately $200M. The scope of this current estimate was restricted …


Copper Processing Capital Cost Estimating -

Copper Processing Capital Cost Estimating Lang Factor Cost Estimating - Capital Projects Management ... The method presented by Mr. Lang was based on a study of fourteen (14) plant estimates of various sizes and types, ranging from $100,000 to $15,000,000 (late 1940's USD).


Estimating Cost of a Project: Techniques and Examples

According to the PMBOK®, there are 2 types of cost estimates: Rough order of magnitude (ROM) with an accuracy of -25% to + 75% (other frameworks quote a range of +/-50%) and Definitive estimate with an accuracy range of -5% to +10%. Some sources also list so-called preliminary estimates and budget estimates as further gradations of estimate types.


The Cost Estimating Series: Capital Cost Considerations

07/11/2019· Expected Value Capital Cost Estimate of $10.0M. NOTE: In millions of dollars (including contingency). See Table 1, Part 1 for AACE range percentages. Table 2 shows …


Capital Cost and Estimation | PDF | Inventory | Cost

are often estimated from ISBL cost. Direct Cost: 1. All the major process equipment, such as vessels, reactors, columns, furnaces, heat exchangers, coolers, pumps, compressors, motors, fans, turbines, filters, centrifuges, driers, etc., including field fabrication and testing if necessary 2. Bulk items, such as piping, valves, wiring, instruments,


copper processing capital cost estimating 」 -

Copper processing plant costManufacturer Of Highend . 2017213a capital cost of approximately $200M The scope of this current estimate was restricted to the Kundip resource and considered just two metallurgical domains the low copper oxide and the high copper sulphide This greatly simplifies the process design In addition,


Capital Cost Estimating – Types and Methods

05/01/2016· Project Execution. In this stage, I would include the class 2 and 1 cost estimates. During this stage, the cost estimator developed the control (budget) and the bid tender cost estimates. The control/budget cost estimate is developed using the detail/bottom-up/first principles cost estimating methodology. The bid/tender cost …



28/03/2019· Over the life of mine, average AISC are expected to in the lowest quartile of the cost curve at a be very competitive $1.56 per pound of copper produced, after silver credits. The estimated capital cost for the process plant is direct $49 million.


Suitable Method for Capital Cost Estimation in …

27/09/2015· This methodology proposes the exponential economic model reported by Shabani and Yekta (2006), which consists to determine the CAPEX of the process equipment based on sizing through experience...


18R-97: Cost Estimate Classification System - Cost Engineering

The +/- value represents typical percentage variation of actual costs from the cost estimate after application of contingency (typically at a 50% level of confidence) for given scope. [b] If the range index value of "1" represents 0.005% of project costs, then an index value of 100 represents 0.5%.


Capital costs rise for Caravel copper project - Australian Mining

06/05/2022· The capital cost estimate for Caravel Minerals' development of its Stage 1 copper project in Western Australia's central Wheatbelt has blown out by about $200 …


Capital Cost and Estimation | PDF | Inventory | Cost

Changes in prices (e.g., prices of steel, copper, catalyst, ... Reverse Engineering Methods: In some situations, a very rough estimate of capital cost can be backed out from operating costs or ... F = 3.1 for solids processing plant F = 4.74 for fluids processing plant F = 3.63 for mixed fluids-solids processing plant ESTIMATING INSTALLED COSTS ...


Mining capital cost estimation using Support Vector

01/08/2019· To establish the fundamental principle of this model, in the beginning, capital cost data of the 52 open pit porphyry copper mine were stored in a database. 2. …


Economic of Copper Processing - SlideShare

23/06/2013· Breakdown of costs and revenues for treatment of typical porphyry copper ore (fmp = free market price) 1 ton of mined ore (0.6% Cu) Contained value = £ 5.88 (fmp) MINING Concentrate (85% recovery) …


[PDF] A method for estimating the capital cost of …

Capital cost estimates are required in the early business planning and feasibility assessment stages of a project, in order to evaluate viability and to compare the economics of the alternative processes and …


Aspen Capital Cost Estimator | CAPEX Estimation | AspenTech

Aspen Capital Cost Estimator™ Accelerate project execution, make better decisions early and increase predictability of your capital cost estimates using a consistent costing model from conceptual to detailed engineering. Contact Us Online Trial Improve Quality, Accuracy and Speed of Estimates Estimation Earlier in Design



mill capacities. These costs were estimated from inhouse historical data for a variety of plant capacities, as illustrated below. These estimates were based on a hypothetical mine with the key assumptions, as outlined below in Table 3. Capital and Operating Cost Estimates for Copper Mine and Mill 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400


The Cost Estimating Series: Capital Cost Estimate Classes

29/10/2019· The following will provide an overview of the classes of capital cost estimates. Different levels of capital cost estimates provide key …


Copper Processing Capital Cost Estimating -

Copper Processing Capital Cost Estimating Lang Factor Cost Estimating - Capital Projects Management ... The method presented by Mr. Lang was based on a study of …


Cost Estimation for the Resources Industry - AusIMM

The Cost Estimation short course is designed to provide resources industry professionals with foundational tools and techniques to perform capital, operating and business cost estimations specific to the resources sector from scoping to feasibility studies. ... Queensland Magnesium, Mt Isa Copper Smelter, sale of the Gladstone Power Station ...


Appendix D: Capital Cost Guidelines - Wiley Online Library

the process. 2. For capital cost estimation: for carbon steel fabrication: L+M factors are in the range 1.5 to 3 with corresponding L/M ratios of 0.15 to 0.65 with 0.4 being usual. The factor decreases for alloys as shown in Fig. D.1. 3. For capital cost estimation: FOB equipment cost increases with sizen where n is usually 0.6 to 0.7. When n ...


mineral processing cost estimation for copper

Copper mineral processing equipment in the tph century processing plant of 200 tph mineral mineral flotation cell Davenport et al noted in 2002 that even then 80 of global primary copper production was from copperironsulfur minerals and that the.Operating and capital costs, per pound of copper,, etc, and influences the capital cost estimating ...
