Therefore, the Unu system, was calculated to discharge about 557 kg of metals, 605,613 kg of dissolved solids, and 24,442,560 L of circumneutral untreated mine water annually into the Ivo River basin. For the Crush Rock mines, the total metal loadings totalled about 25.7 kg of metals per year.
بیشترThe concentrations and sources of heavy metals in shallow sediments in Lake Bafa were investigated. The concentrations of nine heavy metals and the total organic carbon content in sediment samples ...
بیشترNi in soil ranged from 2.16 to 9.30 mg/kg, Pb from 4.01 to 7.90 mg/kg, and Cd from 0.01 to 0.08 mg/kg. The highest concentrations of Ni (0.001-2.01 mg/kg) and Cd (0.001-2.41 mg/kg) were detected ...
بیشترThe calculated average concentrations, in mg/kg, dry weight (dw), for the trace metals are comparable to those described in the OSPAR Quality Status Report 2010. Although yearly fluctuations can be seen, there do not appear to be any meaningful increases or decreases across the entire assessment period.
بیشتر158.7 mg/kg d.m,, 283 mg/kg d.m,, 136.7 mg/kg d.m) in D. stramonium. Higher concentrations of Cu and Mn were recorded in P. maximum to the northwest (1045 mg/kg d.m) and northeast (178.51 mg/kg d.m) of the site, respectively (Table 1). The highest concentration of Fe was recorded to the southwest for all three plants; it ranged from 989 mg/kg
بیشترThe average concentration of Pb in the residues takes the maximum value compared to the other studied metals with: Pb (5547 mg/kg), Cu (119 mg kg/kg), Zn (686 mg/kg), As (192.2 mg/kg) and Cd (1.3 mg/kg) (El Hachimi et al. 2005); this suggests an abnormal dispersion of Pb in the studied lakes; this metal despite its low mobility and high density ...
بیشترIn contrast, the concentrations of Cd and Ni in the substrate material were generally upward overall. In addition, the concentration of Cd and Ni in the substrate material increased 5.71 and 2.23 times, respectively, from 0.14 to 0.80 mg kg -1 and 23.52 to 52.46 mg kg-1. The high concentration of these metals in stone coal might be one of the ...
بیشترA guide to the interpretation of metal concentrations in estuarine sediments. ... 2001 - Lime rock quarry material ... Arsenic (mg/kg) Q16to24 Q26to24 Q36to24 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Kruskal-Wallis test . Test statistic = 5.44012 P-Value = 0.065870
بیشترThe daily intake of metals (DIM), target hazard quotient (THQ), and carcinogenic risk (CR) assessments of health risks accompanied by the continuous ingestion of the selected food crops polluted through these trace metals were evaluated. 0.23 mg/kg and 0.05 mg/kg, 0.11 mg/kg and 0.02 mg/kg, 0.78 mg/kg and 0.65 mg/kg, and 0.23 mg/kg and 0.09 mg ...
بیشتر0.01433 mg/kg-1 dry weight (Table 1). Data in Table 1 reveal that in NARC station, the extractable mean values of heavy metals (Pb, Zn and Cd) in date palm washing residues were 1.9931, 34.915 and 0.02485 mg kg-1, in DH station 0.829, 30.394 and 0.0178 mg kg-1, while in ADS station 1.0967, 30.532 and 0.01433 mg kg-1, respectively. Table 1.
بیشترArsenic concentrations of the rock matrix in the pegmatites average 9.6 mg/kg, which is much higher than concentrations in the rock matrix of associated granites (0.24 mg/kg) and …
بیشترThe results obtained revealed that the mean heavy metal concentrations for Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cd, and Pb were 23,866–32,262 mg/kg, 137.1–213.4 mg/ kg, 401.8–583.7 mg/kg, 52.1–77.3 mg/kg, 106.6–177.6 mg/kg, 87.5–123.5 mg/kg, 2.3–2.5 mg/kg, and 13.8–23.2 mg/kg, respectively. In general, the levels of metals in soil collected ...
بیشترHeavy metal distribution trends. The concentrations of heavy metals (mg/kg) show that in zone A, Cu ranges from 5.16 to 6.85 with a mean concentration of 6.08; 5.02–6.32 with mean values of 5.73 in zone B and mean value of 5.40 in the control samples.
بیشتر6a Metals Concentrations (mg/kg) in CBBT Surficial Grabs, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Cover and WID Trench (August-September 2020) 6b Metals Concentrations (mg/kg) in CBBT Cover Short Core Sediment, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Cover and WID Trench (August-September 2020) 6c Metals Concentrations (mg/kg) in WID Trench Sediments, Chesapeake Bay
بیشترThe average Hg levels obtained in this study for bluegill muscles from the wastewater (0.19 mg/kg wet wt.) and rock quarry (0.24 mg/kg wet wt.) ponds were slightly higher than the average values (above: 0.13, along: 0.14, and below: 0.16 mg/kg wet wt.) reported for bluegill muscles from Savannah River, USA (Burger et al., 2001).
بیشترLimestone rocks samples displayed a high concentration of Fe and Mn improvement. Toxic metals concentrations (mg/kg) in top-soil with background levels were discovered in Hg, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cd, Cu, Cr and Pb. Residual phases exhibited the lowest enrichment for most metals possibly, because of high loamy sand content.
بیشتر(Received 2 October 2009; accepted 5 March 2010) Abstract Lithium is an important energy metal. Its concentrations in coals have been studied by many geologists. Its average content is only 14 mg/kg in the coals of the world. Lithium has never been reported as a coal associated deposit before.
بیشترmetal concentrations over 24-hour cycles. It was found ... Zn, with maximums of 791 mg/kg of As, 8.5 mg/kg of Cd, 2,740 mg/kg of Cu, 1,580 mg/kg of Pb, and 3,920 mg/kg of Zn. From analyses of the chemical distribution of the elements, Cd and Zn were determined to be …
بیشترThe mean concentrations of the heavy metals in the soil ranged from 1.78 ± 0.27 to 21.52 ± 7.42 mg kg −1 in the ascending order of Cr > Ni > Pb > Co > Cd. Their background values are 59.5, 29.0, 27.0, 11.3, and 0.41 mg kg −1 ; thus, all mean concentrations are lower than their respective background values, except for Cd.
بیشترSpecifically, waste rock, contaminated soil, and tailings with arsenic concentrations greater than 400 mg/Kg and/or lead concentrations of 2000 mg/Kg were excavated at the locations previously specified, shaped, and capped on the Pacific Mine/Mill Site. Trout Unlimited produced a design and work plan for the consolidation and capping of
بیشترArsenic concentrations ranged from 5.55 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) to I 0.4 mg/kg, which exceeded both the Tier II SL of 0.439 mg/kg and the Tier III SL of . 1.60 . mg/kg. However, the levels of arsenic detected are representative of background levels (6.68 to I 0.3 mg/kg) based on a statistical comparison of on Site arsenic levels to ...
بیشترThe concentrations of the investigated metals in T. muralis from all the Wrocław sites exceeded those given for the similar Tortula ruralis of the same genus from Southern Spitsbergen collected at the beginning of June, immediately after snow melting (mg kg −1): Cd 0.9, Cu 6.9, Ni 3.6, Pb 5.2 and Zn 32, and considered by Grodzinska and ...
بیشترFinal confirmation sampling results indicated that the zinc concentrations in the bottom of the excavation ranged from 55.6 mg/kg to 161 mg/kg, with an average concentration of 94.7 mg/kg, well below the cleanup standard of 200.2 mg/kg.
بیشترFourteen bed sediments samples were collected from the Euphrates River in order to determine concentrations, seasonal, spatial and contamination assessment of heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, Mn and Cr. The mean con-centrations are as follows: 2249.47 mg/kg for Fe, 228.18 mg/kg for Mn, 67.08 mg/kg for Ni, 58.4 mg/kg for Cr, 48.00
بیشترPb and Cu had high concentrations (469.2 and 404.4 mg/kg respectively) with high variations. Cd rated next in soil content (298.9 mg/kg) while Cr and Zn soil contents were 186.2 and 168.1 mg/kg respectively . This high Pb and Cu content of the soil principally could have come from the synergistic deposition effects from cement production ...
بیشترThis is attributed to activities of the quarry which generates dust and waste harbouring heavy metals. 2 While dry season concentrations for control (Background) soils at depth of 0.0- 5.0cm &5.0 -10cm for Cr (4.95 & 1.21mg/kg), Cu (0.08 & 0.04mg/kg), Cd (0.08 &0.09mg/kg), and Fe (111.89 & 110.46mg/kg) respectively were higher than in the ...
بیشتر12%The metal concentrations in the quarry soils from the different areas are highly variable, especially Cr pseudo-total contents (Table 2); this is related to the occurrence of metal ores, whose accumulations depend on natural and anthropogenic factors, like historical quarrying, as well as on how the waste was deposited, among other factors.
بیشترThese data indicate that the leachable fraction of the total concentrations present in mined materials is small. For example, total concentrations of selenium range from 2.4 to 15 mg/kg in mined material, whereas the CAM WET leachate results are significantly lower at <0.38 to 6 µg/l. In addition, none of the CAM WET leachate concentrations exceed
بیشترThe average U contents in the rock samples were relatively high: 35.8 mg/kg in coaly slate, 5.1 mg/kg in slate, 3.1 mg/kg in phyllite, 2.1 mg/kg in limestone, 3.9 mg/kg in meta-arenaceous rocks, and 3.7 mg/kg in granite. In contrast, groundwater in these rocks showed very low U concentrations, <10 μg/L (Hwang, 2010).
بیشترThis is attributed to activities of the quarry which generates dust and waste harbouring heavy metals. 2 While dry season concentrations for control (Background) soils at depth of 0.0- 5.0cm &5.0 -10cm for Cr (4.95 & 1.21mg/kg), Cu (0.08 & 0.04mg/kg), Cd (0.08 &0.09mg/kg), and Fe (111.89 & 110.46mg/kg) respectively were higher than in the ...