application of sawdust ash in asphalt concrete production is investigated as filler material. Physical and chemical tests were investigated for Saw Dust Ash (SDA). Asphalt specimen prepared using basaltic stone dust without sawdust as filler used as a control material. The SDA was partially replaced with 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12% by weight
بیشترto study the effect of partial replacement of fine aggregates by quarry dust and cement by fly ash on cement concrete. 1.2 NEED FOR INVESTIGATION Quarry Dust These residues are generally less than 1% aggregate production in the normal concrete. The introduction of quarry dust for mixing is limited due to its high fineness.
بیشترUses of saw dust in concrete The rising costs of building construction in developing countries have been a source of concern to government and private developers. This study investigated the use of sawdust as partial replacement for fine aggregates in concrete production. Sawdust was used to replace fine aggregates from 0% to 50% in steps of 10%.
بیشترas an alternative lightweight fine aggregate and cementitious material respectively in eco-friendly lightweight interlocking concrete paving units (ICPU) using a mix ratio of 1:2:4. The lightweight sawdust and laterite were studied due to their abun-dant availability as industrial waste and cheap local construction material. Eco-
بیشترthe fine aggregate. It is also used to analyze the effect of sawdust concrete in terms of workability, adhesion of aggregates and etc. After preparing the concrete block, the difference in weight between the original concrete and the sawdust concrete block is also tested. The sawdust is mixed in definite proportions with the concrete.
بیشترaggregates cannot be overemphasized. The fine and coarse aggregates generally occupy 60% to 75% of the concrete volume (70% to 85% by mass) and strongly influ-ence the concrete's freshly mixed and hardened proper-ties, mixture proportions, and economy. Fine aggregates (Fig. 5-1) generally consist of natural sand or crushed
بیشترSawdust can be used as alternative substitute for fine aggregate in concrete production [8, 10]. Sawdust should be washed and cleaned before use as concrete constituent because of large amount of bark which can affect setting and hydration of cement.
بیشترThe rising costs of building construction in developing countries have been a source of concern to government and private developers. This study investigated the use of sawdust as partial replacement for fine aggregates in concrete production. Sawdust was used to replace fine aggregates from 0% to 50% in steps of 10%. Concrete cubes measuring 150 x 150 x 150mm were cast and their …
بیشترindustry. As 75% of concrete is composed of aggregates it is imperative that we look to maximize the use of waste as aggregate input in concrete making. They have investigated to determines the effect of partial replacement of fine aggregates by steel slag on the mechanical properties of concrete.
بیشترThe utilization of five types of fine aggregate for concrete production were investigated. Normal concrete were made with different types of fine aggregate. The fine aggregate considered were sharp sand (control sample), saw-dust, crushed groundnut shell, crushed palm kernel shell and quarry dust. Preliminary laboratory investigation was carried out on the aggregate to ascertain its ...
بیشترThe cost of construction has been on the increase which has become a concern to both individuals and government of especially developing countries, and that is why this study is aimed at using available cheap materials (sawdust) in concrete production. Concrete mix ratio of 1:2:4 was used and replaced with fine aggregate at 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with soligum treated sawdust.
بیشترThe natural river sand passing through 4.75 mm was used as fine aggregate. Locally available blue metal jelly having a size of 20 mm was used as coarse aggregate. Blue metal jelly is the blue-gray hard stone, bluish in color, which is widely used as a coarse aggregate in concrete production in South India.
بیشترThe Agricultural wastes used as fine aggregate in concrete are sugarcane bagasse ash, groundnut shell, oyster shell, sawdust, giant reed ash, rice husk ash, cork and tobacco waste. The major differences of these agro-wastes are the place from where they collected and the processes to convert into a fine aggregate.
بیشترInvestigation on Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Concrete Partially Replacing Sawdust to Fine Aggregate. ... Uses of saw dust as admixture in production of low cost and light weight. 2012 American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 3(6): 458-463. ... You, W., Zhang, C.Y., Li, H.H., Hu, J. (2013). The implementation of waste saw ...
بیشترG. Ganesh Prabhu, J. H. (2014). Effects of Foundary Sand As a Fine Aggregate in Concrete Production. Construction and Building Materials, 514-521. 39 Ganiron, J. U. (2014). Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete Mixture for Building Construction. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 63, 73-82. Harkin, J. M ...
بیشترEXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE WITH PA RTIAL REPLACEMENT OF CEMENT, FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATE WI TH RICE HUSK ASH, SAWDUST AND SINTERED FLY ASH AGGREGATE Prerak Kumar Swami, Anuj Verma, Akash & Vineet Kumar Research Scholar, Rajshree Institute of Management and Technology, Bareilly, India ABSTRACT The concrete mix ratio …
بیشترThis paper presents experimental results on some physical and mechanical properties of concrete containing sawdust. Concrete specimens having various cement to sawdust ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 ...
بیشترElizabeth Joseph/, "Partial replacement of fine aggregates with sawdust for concrete", International Journal for technological research in engineering Vol.3, (2016). [3] Daniel Yaw Osei, Emmanuel Nana Jackson/, "Compressive strength of concrete using sawdust as aggregate", International Journal of …
بیشترThe percentage replacements of fine aggregates by sawdust were varied from 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and .This was done to determine the optimum percentage that would give the most favorable result. However, dry mix method was used for concrete constituent before the addition of water.
بیشتر89 construction materials (clay, bricks, a aggregate) or construction works (foundation fill, dikes 90 etc.). Much as the sea sand used in concrete is controversial, it is still an effective measure 91 to relieve the shortage of sand [5]. Studies show that (DMS) can be successfully used as a 92 fine aggregate for concrete production [2, 6]. 93
بیشترIn order to produce lightweight concrete, effect of sawdust as fine aggregate in concrete mixture was carried out by [8], from his research, he prove that sawdust can be used to replace sand. His ...
بیشترIn this work, an attempt is made to produce structural concrete lightweight aggregates, using wood waste as an aggregate LWA and natural sand as fine aggregate, with cement content ranging from (252 – 400) kg/m3. This experimental work illustrates the main details of the experimental program,
بیشترKey Words: Compressive strength, Concrete, Sawdust, Light weight concrete, Fine Aggregate. 1. INTRODUCTION Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine and coarse aggregates and water, which are mixed in a specific proportion to get a particular strength. Both cement and water react together chemically to form a paste, which binds the aggregate
بیشترThe properties of saw dust are shown in Table-3. It shows the density of light weight aggregate and will reduce the overall density of concrete. The thermal properties and fire resistance will be very less as sawdust used in the concrete. ii. Robosand Robosand or M …
بیشترThis experimental study aimed to develop an acceptable concrete mixture with sawdust particles as substitute to fine aggregate that can be used for building construction particularly in residential class concrete slab and analyze the effect of sawdust concrete mixture in terms of adhesion of aggregates, thermal insulation, workability and surface quality.
بیشتر-----***----- Abstract :- This paper reports on experimental investigations sand as fine aggregate in concrete production is very high, on the effect of replacing fine aggregate with sawdust on the and several developing countries have encountered some properties of concrete.
بیشترCharacteristics of M-Sand as a Partial Replacement with Fine Aggregate in Mix Design. Abstract: There is a great demand of both coarse & fine aggregates for the construction of infrastructural facilities, rather than using a conventional river sand as a fine aggregate in concrete mix as one of the construction material which has led to the scarcity of the material an alternative material such ...
بیشترUtilization of five types of fine aggregate for concrete production was investigated. Normal concrete were made with different types of fine aggregate. The fine aggregate considered were sharp sand (control sample), saw-dust, crushed groundnut shell, crushed palm kernel shell and quarry dust.
بیشتر6. Like all light weight aggregate, concrete made from shell may be useful for thermal insulation, in the making of pre-stressed concrete (Anthony, 2000). Sawdust as an aggregate in concrete: Sawdust can be used as alternative substitute for fine aggregate in concrete production. Sawdust should be washed and cleaned
بیشترthe concrete with 100 percent sand as fine aggregate. Mariyana et. al. (2016) studied the physical and mechanical properties of concrete containing sawdust with specimens having different cement to sawdust ratios by volume. It was observed that, with the increasing the amount of sawdust, workability and density of concrete decreases.