heat balance sheet for clinker plant

THERMAL-BALANCE - Thermal Balance in Power Plants

Although the THERMAL-BALANCE toolkit mainly applies to steady state analysis, the toolkit can also be used to study slow transients. The system analysed in this example consists of two pumps that distribute water through three branches parallel to the three heat exchangers, returning to the pool once cooled.


clinker cooler excel heat balance sheet

Mining plant; clinker cooler excel heat balance sheet; clinker cooler excel heat balance sheet. B-IU. Heat balance provides the temperature profile across the preheater. ... In a spreadsheet we are restricted to use a rigid tabular format where the formulae in ... Recuperation efficiency of clinker cooler is a function of mechanical design ...


Waste Heat Recovery in Turkish Cement Industry

example, waste heat from the preheater and clinker-cooler exhausts can be recovered and used to provide low-temperature heating needs in the plant, or used to generate power. Waste heat recovery (WHR) can provide up to 30 percent of a cement plant's overall electricity needs. Besides, it offers several other benefits,


1.4 material and energy balance - SlideShare

73.8 % Heat in Steam 12.7 % Dry Flue Gas Loss 8.1 % Steam Heat loss due to hydrogen in fuel 100 % 1.7 % Boiler Heat loss due to moisture in fuel 0.3 % Fuel Heat loss due to moisture in air 2.4 % Heat loss due to unburnts in residue 1.0 % Heat loss due to radiation & Figure 4.10 other unaccounted loss Example-2: Mass Balance in a Cement Plant ...



2.1 Heat Balance 01 In the process of clinkerisation, it is seen, that around 55% of the total heat input, is only utilised for clinkerisation. Waste gases account for around 35% of total heat input. Heat balance (per kg. of clinker) for a typical cement plant, is depicted in Table - 1: 5 …


13. The Energy consumption of Pellet Plant 17. Section ...

The clinker balance verification is required from Cement produced and Clinker factor with actual clinker produced by taking into account the Clinker stock difference and Clinker Import export. Similarly Energy balance up to clinkerisation could be verified as per the tabulated formulae Table 18: Mass and Energy balance



cogeneration. An example, a 4100 ton/day cement plant in India, installed a waste heat recover power plant using the exhaust from preheater and clinker cooler. The power plant was rated at 8 megawatt (MW). Capital investment was 18.7 million, and CO2 emission reductions were reported to …


(PDF) AspenPlus based simulation for waste heat recovery ...

Heat consumption with and without tertiary air plant data recovery Fraction (%) Cement Simulation The figure 5 presents the influence of the waste heat CS 2 71.24 69.2308 recovery on the clinker production, where the simulation CO 2 19.89 17.5143 was performed in two phases: with and without tertiary air N 2 67 65.4696 recovery.


How Does A Cement Manufacturer Optimize His Profits

To make cement you have to first make clinker. So a plant has to first make Clinker; ... Waste Heat Recovery is a mechanism which can lead to huge cost savings in Fuel cost. ... Why Balance sheet ...


Clinker Coolers | PDF | Energy Technology | Heat

The clinker must be brought in an intensive contact with the cooling air The quantity of available cooling air affects the efficiency The efficiency is not only determined by the machine itself, but also by the amount of cooling air. The granulometry of the clinker affects the cooling efficiency Rough guideline for the Heat Balance Heat input ...


Clinker Clinker Grinding Flow Sheet - psycholooginoss.nl

Clinker Clinker Grinding Flow Sheet. We are a large-scale manufacturer specializing in producing various mining machines including different types of sand and gravel equipment, milling equipment, mineral processing equipment and building materials equipment.



3.3 TOTAL INPUT HEAT = 876 KCAL/KGCLINKER. 3.4 Heat Output. 3.4.1 Heat of Clinker reaction. 3.4.2 Heat loss through the clinker at cooler outlet. 3.4.3 Heat loss through the dust in the exhaust gas. 3.4.4 Heat loss through evaporation of moisture. 3.4.5 Heat …


Heat balance diagram - SlideShare

Heat balance diagram. 1. Index PLANT BLOCK DIAGRAM PLANT RANKINE CYCLE HIP HEAT & MASS BALANCE LP HEAT & MASS BALANCE HEAT RATE Important Formulae. 2. Plant BLOCK DIAGRAM HRH P= LPT Inlet 41, T = 566, G= P= 9.45, 1660.39, G= H= 1363.63, Main 3594.6 H= Steam P = 3161.5 HPT LPT LPT IPT 242, T = Gr. 566, G = 1984.36 LPT Outlet, H = 3396 CRH …


Cement Kiln Heat And Mass Balance - Pure Line

Heat And Mass Balance In Cement Klinker Kiln Solution. cement kiln heat balance xls sheet Caiman Mining calculation of energy balance in cement clinker production in excel 48 1663 Ratings How to make heat and mass balance of cement kiln mass and heat balance in …


Kiln Audit Heat Balance Tool - Data Entry Sheet 1: Clinker ...

KILN AUDIT HEAT BALANCE TOOL - DATA ENTRY SHEET 1. Plant Name Rawang, Malaysia Kiln Feed Preheater dust Bypass Dust Clinker Clinker t/d Name of the Kiln RK3# Flowrate wet, kg/h 280000 41720 199540 4789 Kiln Type H2O, % 0.21 0 Date of measurement March 13, 2012 Temperatures,C 69 445 Date of report Crystall Water, % 1 0.4 0 Ambient temperature, C 30 Altitude above sea level, m.



A heat balance, simply stated, consists of compiling all the heat that is given to the kiln and then comparing this total to the total of thermal work done and heat losses that occur in the system. Whatever heat put into the kiln (INPUT) must be accounted for in one way or another by the heat that goes out of the system (OUTPUT).


International Cement Review - News, Events & Training

Note: Raw Meal to Clinker Factor = 1.60 kg / kg clinker. PREHEATER : COOLER SIDE : PLANT CAPACITY TPD : KILN SHELL: KILN PROCESS DEPT 3 UNIT-3 : HEAT BALANCE CALCULATION Page : / 2Calculation by: B.Ravindran 9/8/2008 204.00 34.00 295.00 1.60 29.00 0.09 1.56 60.00 239.00 1.86 3500.00 50.00 0.50 0.97 9/8/2008 29.00 409.37


7-Day Workshop:) Mass and Heat Balance Pyro Section ...

On day 5, we will provide you 3 more lessons to do a preliminary mass and heat balance from fuel, kiln feed, and clinker analysis with calculation method. Online calculators are available where you will have to just enter, fuel analysis, and other data, to calculate various material streams.


What is a heat balance diagram? - Quora

Answer (1 of 2): Heat and mass balance is a document produced by process design engineers while designing a process plant. Heat Balance Diagram or HBD for Thermal Power Station is the basically schematic representation of the whole steam cycle from Boiler to …


heat balance in cement kiln - casafloramieke.be

Heat Balance Heat output K-1 K-2 K-3 K-4 K-5 Heat in Clinker leaving cooler (Kcal/kg clk) 31.7 35.4 30.0 49.0 29.3 Heat of reaction (Kcal/kg clk) 402.2 403.0 400.0 400.0 397.0 ... improving Thermal Efficiency of Cement kilns • Good Potential savings exists with marginal investment for a number of kilns


(PDF) Energy Balance and Cogeneration for a Cement Plant ...

This paper builds up an energy balance for an operating plant and estimates the power that can be generated from the waste heat streams. The process of manufacture of cement can be divided into three basic steps, preparation of raw materials, pyroprocessing to produce clinker, and grinding and blending clinker with other prod- ucts to make cement.


CalPortland Invests for energy efficiency

quality clinker for grinding process 17 The plant uses approximately 100 Million kWh annually at an average cost of $.08 per kWh. Heat Balance Existing Cooler 18 Multiple heat balance analysis were performed to determine appropriate design and calculate savings. Previous Clinker Cooler


Energy Audit and Heat Recovery on the Rotary Kiln of the ...

In order to produce one ton of clinker at least 1.6 GJ heat is needed [1]. ... Chinese key plants to produce clinker is 5.4 GJ/ton [2]. ... Gaitonde U. Energy balance and cogeneration for cement ...


04 Boiler Heat balance sheet - YouTube

Boiler Heat balance sheet


mass and energy balance of clinker production

3.1 Energy demand of the clinker production process 9 3.2 Energy balance of the clinker production process 13 3.2.1 Energy balance of a clinker production line 13 3.2.2 Extended balancing area for a cement plant including the use of further drying processes and externally recovered heat 16 3.3 Evaluation of energy performance of the clinker


Clinker Production - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

G. Habert, in Eco-efficient Construction and Building Materials, 2014 Energy efficiency. Energy demand in clinker production has been significantly reduced over the last few decades. The theoretical minimum primary energy consumption (heat) for the chemical and mineralogical reactions is approximately 1.6–1.85 GJ/t (Klein and Hoening, 2006).However, there are technical reasons why this will ...


Heat Balance | Article about Heat Balance by The Free ...

Heat balance. An application of the first law of thermodynamics to a process in which any work terms are negligible. For a closed system, one that always consists of the same material, the first law is Q + W = ΔE, where Q is the heat supplied to the system, W is the work done on the system, and ΔE is the increase in energy of the material forming the system.


excel sheet energy balance clinker kiln

heat heat balance mass balance calculation in cement plant. C= 0.252 Kcal/ Kg-K 6 Unaccounted losses Total Heat Balance of Kiln (Unit- 1) 828.63 Kcal/Kg clinker 2.03775 Kcal/Kg clinker 24.486 Get Price Flotation Material Balancing Excel Solver Mass Balance.


Understanding How The Indian Cement Industry Works

Heat – requires heat of 1450°C, ... To make cement you have to first make clinker. So a plant has to first make Clinker; ... Hence an analyst can quickly check the Intangible Assets Section in Balance Sheet to know if a company has a limestone mine.



2.1 Heat Balance 01 In the process of clinkerisation, it is seen, that around 55% of the total heat input, is only utilised for clinkerisation. Waste gases account for around 35% of total heat input. Heat balance (per kg. of clinker) for a typical cement plant, is depicted in Table - 1: 5 …
